now playing: yoshi's crafted world

mt4_777's little site on the worldwideweb!
yes, mt4_777 is on the web!!!

welcome to my site (est. 4/18/23)!! this a TOTAL work in progress, it's my first time doing something like this so please expect it to look a bit off for awhile til i get everything sorted out and learn enough to make this thing look cool as fuck!

But for real though, thanks for viewing this.
your support means more than you know.

i'm honored to be hosting someone on this site as cool as you!

a bit about me

i'm just a kid who's into trying new things, and easily fascinated by weird things. before a few days ago, i'd never been on this part of the internet. there was so much cool shit to see, and i had to try it out.

i draw and write a lot- expect some art content in the future- :) i'm going to college next year and i wanna hopefully have this running by then so i can update about all the cool new shit i'm up to and maybe about my classes too.

i'm a big collector of random shit, some may call me a hoarder but they are wrong. if you do want to call me something of the sort, i prefer the term packrat lmfao. i love cartoons, my favorites gotta be adventure time. the lessons, plot, and concepts scattered throughout the whole thing are unparaelled.